4% of survey complete.
St. Peter’s Fireside would like to hear your opinion! The main purpose of this year's survey is to inquire about your engagement with and feedback about the transition to online gatherings and also to hear your thoughts as we plan for some future in-person gatherings.

Your name is not required.  Only the survey team (Jennifer Na & Karen Whistler) will have access to all the responses. The team will present only the aggregated data to the church staff and the Leadership Team*, such that no individual person's response will be identifiable. The aggregated results will be shared at the All Parish Meeting and church reports. For open-ended questions, your response may be quoted in church reports and forums (anonymously- we can't track you down to seek permission).
*Jennifer is a part of the survey team and the leadership team. She will not share any individual responses in identifiable manner to the leadership team.

If you have any questions or concerns before you begin, feel free to email Jennifer Na (Interim People's Warden) at peoples@stpetersfireside.org.

If you’d like to proceed, please answer the following:

Question Title

* 1. What is your relationship with St. Peter's?